Basic Social Messages-Quick Talk Lesson

In this Lesson, your classroom team (students AND instructors!) are learning how to use quick, highly frequent social words/messages with other people, using their communication system (AAC). You are also practicing the AAC Partner Strategy of Consistent Access to AAC. Make sure you and your student have immediate access to a communication support at all times!

QUIZ & 2.0 HRS. OF CREDIT are available once your team has completed the following:

  1. Review the slideshow (adults)
  2. Work through a slideshow exploration with students, interacting with the appropriate videos and books (adults & students)
  3. Focus on practicing using the core messages during your daily routine activities, at least 45 minutes a week (adults)
  4. Engage in at least 3 team discussions (15 min. each) using the slideshow tips as guiding questions for your collaboration
  5. Complete the quiz and confirm the above activities are completed.
  6. Certificate will be sent to the email you entered on the form!